The following updates/changed were deployed with this Guardian release:

  • Location and Incident Type Filters for Overall Statistics and Current Situation dashboards

  • Dynamic Label changes for IR forms

  • Automated Student to Employee and Employee to Student Conversations(based on your data feeds)
    • If a user that is currently listed as a student in Guardian appears in your Employee datafeed, Guardian will automatically convert that user to an Employee in Guardian, and vice versa. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that your data feeds account for situations where a person may be both a student and an employee and ensure that such a user appears only in one of the data feeds (student or employee, and not both. The general rule used by most clients is: If an Employee is taking classes, they are an Employee first and therefore appear only in the employee data feed. If a Student is a student worker, they are a Student first, and therefore appear only in the student data feed.

  • Ability for case workers to complete Case Forms

  • Single Sign On Enhancements to allow clients to use ID number as the SSO identifier in lieu of email address
    • Clients wishing to use the user’s ID number (Student ID/Employee ID) for Single Sign On in lieu of the email address now have the ability to send the ID Number as the NameID in SSO Configurations, replacing the email address. Note: Email address is still supported.

  • Direct Download feature for Exported Reports 

  • IR Form Information Block text will be included in the Case Details Activity Log

  • Automated updating of a user's email address as it changes(via data feeds).
    • If a user’s email address changes, the new email address can be included in the CAMPUS_EMAIL import field for that user’s record, and Guardian will update the user’s email address in the database. No special columns or processes will be necessary to update email addresses in bulk.